Major and Monty – Cat Aggression Case Study

Major and Monty – Cat Aggression Case Study “Dogs and cats living together – mass hysteria!” -Bill Murray in Ghostbusters. Our media and culture has taught, or at least implied to most of us, that dogs and cats are natural sworn enemies. Like cat and mouse (Tom...

They’ll Grow Out of It…NO They Won’t!

They’ll Grow Out of It…NO They Won’t! It is perfectly reasonable to expect a well-mannered dog. Don’t let anyone tell you your young dog will “just grow out of it” or that it’s just the breed or your dog’s particular...

Nervous or Anxious Dog? We Can Help!

Nervous or Anxious Dog? We Can Help! Some dogs have a lot of nervous energy. They pace, prowl, put their noses in everything, and sometimes seem a little jumpy. Most dogs with these tendencies have a lack of focus that can make it difficult for them to obey commands....

Prince: Aggressive Dog Training Case Study

Prince: Aggressive Dog Training Case Study Aggression is the most common problem we see here at Bayshore Dog Training, simply because it’s the most problematic. It’s easy enough to ignore barking, nipping—even messed rugs and torn furniture—in comparison to the...

Tampa Bay Dog Trainer, Reporting for Duty

Tampa Bay Dog Trainer, Reporting for Duty! Are you ready to get a handle on your canine companion’s behavioral issues? If so, I can help! I’m Victoria Parker, and I’ve been around dogs my entire life. When I was young, I made obstacle courses for my family pets,...